Monday, April 26, 2010


Were you able to successfully set up your RSS feed? If not, where did you run into problems? If you were successful, does this make information-gathering more convenient for you?

So here's the thing, I did set up an account with Bloglines, and I did subscribe to some RSS feeds, but there's an easier way, people!

I have been receiving RSS feeds for some time, and I'm quite comfortable with them. It's an awesome way to keep updated with my can't-live-without websites. But I prefer to do it all through my Mac Mail App (or Windows Mail or whatever) as opposed to opening the internet and logging on to another website (we're talking convenience, folks). It's all there on my desktop, at the click of a button. So I don't have access to my feeds when I'm away from my computer. I'm okay with that. Besides, should I really be checking these things while I'm out or, let's say, at work...? Probably not so much.

I really do recommend trying this route instead of an on-line RSS reader.


What do you like about the Google product? What do you dislike? Would you recommend the product to friends and colleagues?

I really like the fact that you can access documents from anywhere. I hated having to constantly e-mail myself updated versions of my storytime plans just so I could tweak it from wherever I happened to be. (Yes, I honestly work on my storytime plan from home. That's where I'm most comfortable; I'm in my zone.)

The down side: whenever I add or change anything within the doc, my spacing gets all screwy. Also, the printing sucks. The type, which I had set to size 14, came out at about a size 2. Nothing about me is a size 2, and I certainly can't read it!

So while it has it's downside (like most everything else) I would absolutely recommend Google Docs to anyone. It's awesome for customers who have to access their resumes through their e-mail, then save to a disc and open in Word before printing as it completely eliminates steps 1, 2 and 3. And it's great for the losers like me who enjoy taking their work home with them. :P Just be sure you have access to Word so you can make it all pretty before you print!

2.0 - Google Docs

Try out one of the Google programs or services, and write a brief blog post reviewing it.

Google Docs enables you to create and share documents, presentations, spreadsheets and more. You can then access these documents from anywhere you have an internet connection.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Why do you think social networking sites are so popular? What are the main appeal factors?

I like being able to keep all my friends updated at the same time with little effort. Likewise, it's so much more convenient for me to do a quick sweep through my Facebook updates and know what my friends are up to. That's a major appeal plus for me.

I know what you're thinking: you can do that with an e-mail. Well, you can't attach a whole photo album in one e-mail, or share ready-to-view video. It's awesome being able to do all of that in one stop.

And then there are those added bonuses for the rest us. It may seem like a waste of time to a lot of people, but I don't know what I'd do without my groups and fan pages. How else can I keep updated on the next Rock Band game and what late-night show Green Day will be appearing on all in one quick page view?

Those games on the other hand.... I don't have a farm and the next person who sends me a sheep is done for!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


How easy or difficult was it to find articles that needed editing? Were the errors you found factual or grammar / spelling?

After spending a substantial amount of time looking through articles on several different topics, I was beginning to think that all the corrections that could be made on Wikipedia had been made. I even tried the "Random Article" section, but after a few attempts decided I didn't know anything about the featured topic and probably didn't have any right messing around in there. Even given all of the spelling and grammatical booboos on the internet, everything sounded right to me. Bah!

I remember trying to find information on one of my favourite singers years ago, and I remember how little luck I had. Surprise! I found a bit of information, but it was very lacking. Who says being obsessed is a bad thing? I was able to add a few extra lines in the bio section. Yay! I sure hope I spelled everything right...